Improving Lives of Children with Diabetes in the Texas Panhandle


About Us

Founded in August of 2014, the Diabetes Foundation of the High Plains grew from the passionate support of Will Rogers Range Riders and Texas Panhandle families affected by Type 1 diabetes. These efforts will include immediate assistance for families suddenly affected by a diagnosis of diabetes, as well as ongoing assistance to help families adjust to this unexpected and life-altering diagnosis.

Our Mission

The Diabetes Foundation of the High Plains' mission is to support families with children who have diabetes. These efforts will include immediate assistance for families suddenly affected by a diagnosis of diabetes, as well as ongoing assistance to help families adjust to this unexpected and life-altering diagnosis.


College Scholarship Opportunities

We are now accepting scholarship applications. Applicants must have Type 1 diabetes and live in the High Plains.

Award amounts vary from year-to-year, based on the number of total applicants, with priority given to graduating high school seniors.

Application deadline is March 31, 2024.

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Camp New Day

Each summer, Camp New Day offers a local camp for children with diabetes in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. The one-week camp is an effort to provide a camp close to home, making it easier for children and teens to attend.

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